33111 runs towards Corfe Castle
20227 and 20189 with 4-VEP 423417 "Gordon Pettitt" head towards Corfe Castle
33111 with 4-VEP 423417 "Gordon Pettitt" head for Harmans Cross from Corfe Castle.
31466 leaves Corfe Castle Station for Norden
20142 leaves Corfe Castle Station for Norden
Corfe Castle
31466 departs Swanage Station
33111, 33108, 20227 and 20189 stand at Swanage station
20189 and 20227 "Ed Cluderay" stand at Swanage station sidings
D3591 (08436) stands at Swanage station Motive Power Depot
33108 and 33111 stand in Swanage station loop
20142 departs Harmans Cross for Swanage
20227 "Ed Cluderay", 20189 with 4-VEP 423417 "Gordon Pettitt" head for Corfe Castle from Harmans Cross
20142 departs Corfe Castle Station for Norden
33111 arrives at Corfe Castle Station from Norden
37521 "English China Clays" departs Corfe Castle Station with 4-Vep 423417 "Gordon Pettitt" for Norden
Saturday evenings Dinning train
20227 (now de-named) with 33111 on the dinning train stand at Swanage Station
Red Lion pub
55019 "Royal Highland Fusilier" stands at Corfe Castle Station
37521 "English China Clays" arrives at Corfe Castle Station from Norden
20142 stands at Corfe Castle Station waiting to depart for Norden
31466 with 4-VEP 423417 "Gordon Pettitt" arrives at Corfe Castle Station from Harmans Cross
31466 with 4-VEP 423417 "Gordon Pettitt" stands at Corfe Castle Station waiting for departure to Norden
20227 and 20189 stand at Norden
37521 heads for Norden from Corfe Castle
20189 and 20227 (de-named) leave Norden for Corfe Castle
20189, 20227 and 4-VEP 423417 "Gordon Pettitt" (with 33108 on the rear) cross at Corfe Castle Station
4-VEP 423417 "Gordon Pettitt" with 33108 on the rear head for Norden from Corfe Castle
31466 stands in Swanage Station loop
20227, 20189 and D3591 stand at Swanage Station Sidings and motive power depot