XC Voyger passes Dawlish Station heading North
43033 'Driver Brian Cooper 15 June 1947 - 5 October 1999' lead Fist Great Western HST South towards Dawlish
XC Voyger heads South towards Dawlish Station
First Great Western HST (43378 leading) heads North towards Starcross and Exeter
GWR 153318 leads stopping service heads North to Starcross and Exeter.
A double XC voyger heads North from Dawlish
First Great Western HST head South towards Teignmounth pass unstable cliffs
43086 leads First Great Western HST South from Dawlish Station
First Great Western HST head North through Dawlish Station
XC HST (43378 leading) heads North towards Exeter
First Great Western HST passes the new section of Seawall at Dawlish
First Great Western 150 heads North from Parson's Tunnel
First Great Western HST heads North from Parson's Tunnel
XC Voyger heads South from Dawlish Station
First Great Western 150102 departs Dawlish for Teignmouth